Hostess with the Most-ess

I love hosting people at my house. Did I say LOVE… I LOVE hosting people at my house. I love everything that goes into it: cleaning, prepping a menu, grocery shopping, planning fun things for everyone to do together, researching new fun places.. ALL OF IT! I love it.

Not only do I love the planning, but I love the hustle and bustle of people in my home, good conversations, kids playing, blankets and people snuggled on couches, fire pits, smore’s, games, memories being made, good food, candles, joy.. pure joy.


I grew up with friends always at my house, my cousins were always at my house, people were always in and out, and it was fun. I want that for my kids, and I want that for my family. I want people to just stop by because they were in the area and thought about us, then they end up staying for dinner and maybe dinner happens in the driveway because the kids are outside playing and the adults get to have nice conversations. I want people to come over and we all do something fun, did I mention that I love having people over?

When I was little my mom, my sister, and I would go to our very best friend’s house (they only lived 5 blocks away) and my mom and my friends mom would do some kind of craft or make pasta or something else that I don’t remember because I was too busy playing with all the kids on the block riding bikes, playing school or office, or house with our babies. It was so much fun! That is what I want for my family.

It’s interesting that those types of relationships don’t exist much anymore, the just stopping in to say hello relationships. Everything seems to be planned, and we are always calling ahead to triple check that it’s okay that we go to someone’s house.. I don’t quite understand that. Mainly because well..  I love when people come over.

How about we stop worrying about is our house a mess… do we have enough food.. does everyone have enough time.. are they going to mad that we stopped by… I don’t have anything to bring.. all the things, stop worrying about them. Just stop by, I promise they will be glad you did. Make the memories. Enjoy the  moments. Let time slow down. Enjoy each others company. You won’t regret it. These are the things we are made for.

This weekend we will have 7 adults and 3 children in my home and I COULD NOT BE MORE EXCITED! The hustle and bustle of people I care about and conversations about life are going to be overflowing. The best part is everyone will walk away with a memory and valuable time spent together no matter if the food was good or if the house was clean. That is what fills my cup.

My cup overflows with JOY.

xo, Jessica

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