The funny thing about social media

You know the funny thing about social media? One day I could post a sweet picture of my kids and get 100+ likes, and the very next day post something new happening with my blog and only get 2-3 likes. (those 2-3 likes are also people like my mother in law, sister in law, and mom — thanks for the support family!) Isn’t that interesting? Now I don’t know the answer here… is that people are just overwhelmed with the amount of content on the internet to read? I know my blog is not a cute picture of kids, but it is still good content (I think at least).. you just have to read it, you can’t just scroll through passively and like it. 

I have a friend who works in media marketing, and he said if he wants people to really stop and look at something he puts up a picture of kids or dogs. People seem to love kids or dogs. I don’t know why I am so surprised by this, but I am… JL

If you read my blog, or any blog/news source for that matter, and your brain starts to hurt, you should explore that a little bit. You should explore the questions and thoughts that come from reading all the material. You know how when you do a new workout, and the next day your muscles are sore.. think about your brain that way. It’s learning new things everyday, some things are worth your time and keeping them stored and others are not. You get to sift through those thoughts and decide what to keep and what to trash. 

So why do people ignore social media postings about my blog? I don’t know.. If you are afraid to click and possibly learn something new, I challenge you. CLICK THE LINK! LEARN SOMETHING NEW! If you are just not clicking because you are rolling your eyes that I have started a blog and you are mad/angry/scared that I am talking about these real raw emotions about things that are happening in our world daily to people you and I both know… then I challenge you to explore those feelings. Did you want to start a blog but you didn’t? (You should totally do it if you want to by the way.) Are you scared/mad/afraid because you want to do more but you don’t know how, and I took the leap? (You should take the leap too! Trust me, I have no clue what I am doing, I am just doing something because it feels good.) Maybe you just don’t like me or what I have to say.. and that is fine too. All I have to say to that is thank you for reading and taking the time to challenge yourself. 

It always feels better to support people in their endeavors. In the end we want everyone to be successful, right? We do not want to wish bad upon anyone. Everyone deserves a chance. 

Support your sistas in whatever they are doing.

xo, jessica

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